IMO/FMO Directory

IMO/FMO Directory

Use the filtering tool to your right to help you narrow down your options to select an IMO.

Agents can search IMOs by:

  • Location (if you’re looking for local training)
  • Insurance Verticals
  • Average Google Review
  • Average Facebook Review
  • Whether they have marketing or insurance lead programs
  • Whether they include training, free resources or a blog full of helpful tips

In addition to these options, on each IMO’s profile page you will find their contact info, social media channels, a quick review from us, and also other helpful links and information designed to making your choice easier.

Already affiliated with an IMO or FMO? Leave a review on their profile page to let other agents know about your experiences with them.

To better understand the differences between an IMO and an FMO or what to watch out for when contracting through one of them, check out our latest blog post:

“The Ultimate Guide to Choosing an IMO or FMO”

Directory List of BGAs, FMOs & IMOs

If you’re an IMO or FMO that would like to add your listing in our directory, please click HERE.

If you would like to leave a review, please click HERE to create a profile.


Summary: GoldenCare is an IMO near Minneapolis that specializes in long term care, also has contracts for life and disability insurance, and recently added Medicare [...]
10700 Old County Rd. 15 Suite 450, Plymouth, MN, Minnesota, USA 55441
Phone: 800-842-7799
Review-Section: GoldenCare Reviews

Schaefer Financial Group

Summary: Schaefer Financial Group is an exclusive Minnesota-based IMO that only caters to agents and advisors who are already producing large amounts of premium. To [...]
1090 Second Street South Ste 2C, Sartell, Minnesota, Minnesota, USA 56377
Phone: 877-257-8246
Review-Section: Schaefer Financial Group Reviews

American Financial

Summary: This 25-year-old FMO partnered together with some other IMOs to form a mega-IMO called TruChoice Financial Group. American Financial, based near Minneapolis, has a [...]
400 Hwy 169 South Suite 200, St. Louis Park, MN, Minnesota, USA 55426
Phone: 800-880-3072
Review-Section: American Financial Reviews

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