IMO/FMO Directory

IMO/FMO Directory

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In addition to these options, on each IMO’s profile page you will find their contact info, social media channels, a quick review from us, and also other helpful links and information designed to making your choice easier.

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To better understand the differences between an IMO and an FMO or what to watch out for when contracting through one of them, check out our latest blog post:

“The Ultimate Guide to Choosing an IMO or FMO”

Directory List of BGAs, FMOs & IMOs

If you’re an IMO or FMO that would like to add your listing in our directory, please click HERE.

If you would like to leave a review, please click HERE to create a profile.

The Annuity & Life Source

Summary: The Annuity and Life Source is, as its name implies, an annuity and life insurance IMO that has offices in Washington and Ohio. Their [...]
11400 SE 8th St Ste 430, Bellevue, WA, Washington state, USA 98004
Phone: 800-743-4930
Review-Section: The Annuity & Life Source Reviews

The Annuity Consultants

Summary: The Annuity Consultants is a "boutique" annuity and life insurance IMO based in Del Mar, California. They have several marketing and lead programs including [...]
2683 Via De La Valle Ste G332, Del Mar, CA 92014, US, California, USA 92014
Phone: 858-356-9368
Review-Section: The Annuity Consultants Reviews

First Income Advisors

Summary: First Income Advisors is an IMO for financial professionals who want to utilize seminar marketing to sell annuities for retirement income planning. With locations [...]
8530 Veterans Highway, Millersville, MD, Maryland, USA 21108
Phone: 888-556-1379
Review-Section: First Income Advisors Reviews

First Financial Resources

Summary: California-based First Financial Resources is one of the few IMOs in our directory that is by invitation or referral only - so you need [...]
100 Spectrum Center Drive - Suite 400,, Irvine, CA, California, USA 92618
Phone: 949-223-2165
Review-Section: First Financial Resources Reviews

The Annuity Store

Summary: The Annuity Store is an annuity and life insurance IMO out of Sacramento that is part of the TruChoice Financial Group. They offer tons [...]
1451 River Park Drive, Suite 130, Sacramento, CA, California, USA 95815
Phone: 800-825-6094
Review-Section: The Annuity Store Reviews

The ASA Group

Summary: The ASA Group is a BGA out of Little Rock, AR, that offers contracts for insurance verticals related to pre-retirees (disability and life) and [...]
11807 Hinson Road, Little Rock, AR, Arkansas, USA 72212
Phone: 501-224-7739
Review-Section: The ASA Group Reviews

The Assurance Group (TAG)

Summary: The Assurance Group (TAG), based out of North Carolina, is a senior-focused FMO that also owns its own separate direct mail lead generation business, [...]
5035 Prospect Street, Archdale, NC, North Carolina, USA 27263
Phone: 336-474-2333
Review-Section: The Assurance Group (TAG) Reviews

Financial Brokerage

Summary: Financial Brokerage Inc., an IMO located in Omaha, covers most insurance verticals for pre-retirees and retirees. They emphasize marketing over lead generation by offering [...]
17110 Marcy Street, Suite 100, Omaha, NE, Nebraska, USA 68118
Phone: 800-397-9999
Review-Section: Financial Brokerage Reviews

The Brokerage

Summary: The Brokerage Inc. is a Texas-based FMO that provides under 65 health insurance and over 65 Medicare contracts, in addition to life and long [...]
233 West Main Street, Lewisville, Texas, Texas, USA 75057
Phone: 800-442-4915
Review-Section: The Brokerage Reviews

Final Expense Services

Summary: Ben Boman's Final Expense Services is a Final Expense IMO near Dallas that partnered up with EFES to help agents sell Final Expense and [...]
1651 N. Collins Blvd, Suite 300,, Richardson, Texas, Texas, USA 75080
Review-Section: Final Expense Services Reviews

The Brokerage Resource (TBR)

Summary: The Brokerage Resource (TBR) is a senior-focused FMO in North Carolina. The firm was founded in 1992, building on the founding family's long history [...]
1502 West NC Highway 54, Suite 401, Durham, NC, North Carolina, USA 27707
Phone: 800-928-4998
Review-Section: The Brokerage Resource (TBR) Reviews

The Insurance Squad

Summary: The Insurance Squad is owned and operated by Matt Mungia, a Texas-based Final Expense producer who was another collaborator featured in our book. His [...]
29122 Bettina, Boerne, TX, Texas, USA 78006
Phone: 800-244-0541
Review-Section: The Insurance Squad Reviews

FFP Insurance Services

Summary: FFP Insurance Services is a national network of IMOs based in California, that's focused on life insurance and disability insurance for pre-retirees, as well [...]
28005 Smyth Dr., Suite 103, Valencia, California, California, USA 91355
Phone: 866 587-0626
Review-Section: FFP Insurance Services Reviews

The Leazer Group

Summary: The Leazer Group is a relatively new IMO in Raleigh that focuses on annuities, Final Expense and mortgage protection. It provides training on a [...]
Anson Way Suite 211, Raleigh, NC, North Carolina, USA 27615
Phone: 919-845-4544
Review-Section: The Leazer Group Reviews


Summary: FEXContracting is a top Final Expense FMO that also helps agents cross-sell Medicare products. It's one of the few, if not the only FMO, [...]
2420 E Morgan Ave, Evansville, IN 47711-4421, Indiana, USA 47711
Phone: 800-673-5309
Review-Section: FEXContracting Reviews

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