IMO/FMO Directory

IMO/FMO Directory

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  • Whether they have marketing or insurance lead programs
  • Whether they include training, free resources or a blog full of helpful tips

In addition to these options, on each IMO’s profile page you will find their contact info, social media channels, a quick review from us, and also other helpful links and information designed to making your choice easier.

Already affiliated with an IMO or FMO? Leave a review on their profile page to let other agents know about your experiences with them.

To better understand the differences between an IMO and an FMO or what to watch out for when contracting through one of them, check out our latest blog post:

“The Ultimate Guide to Choosing an IMO or FMO”

Directory List of BGAs, FMOs & IMOs

If you’re an IMO or FMO that would like to add your listing in our directory, please click HERE.

If you would like to leave a review, please click HERE to create a profile.

Accident Towing Service Near Gahanna OH

Summary: Tambaya Towing LLC, which provides services like accident towing, will provide you with the best caliber of road assistance available. We are available 24/7 [...]
HouseTaco, 1 Capitol square, Columbus, OH 43215, Columbus, Ohio, USA 43215
Phone: 6145083218

Impact Partnership

Summary: Impact Partnership is a life and annuity IMO out of Georgia that equips agents and advisors to create successful brands to grow their business. [...]
3550 George Busbee Pkwy Suite 450, Kennesaw, GA, Georgia, USA 30144
Phone: 800-380-5040
Review-Section: Impact Partnership Reviews

Ideal Producers Group

Summary: Ideal Producers Group takes pride in its commitment to God and tries to spread that message with its concierge IMO for annuity and life [...]
6710 W. 121st St., Suite 200, Overland Park, KS., Kansas, USA 66209
Phone: 888-433-2507
Review-Section: Ideal Producers Group Reviews


Summary: HPOne (Health Plan One) is a Medicare and health insurance FMO founded in Connecticut in 2006. It sells primarily over the phone and boasts [...]
35 Nutmeg Dr, Suite 220,, Trumbull, CT, Connecticut, USA 06611
Phone: 877-615-4257
Review-Section: HPOne Reviews


Summary: HealthSherpa, once just an facilitator of health insurance apps via its well-known quoting tool (which has serviced 24,000 agents and 6 billion in premium), [...]
Phone: 888-684-1373
Review-Section: HealthSherpa Reviews


Summary: HealthMarkets is a captive agency headquartered in Texas that recently launched its brand into the national spotlight with a huge marketing campaign including TV [...]
9151 Boulevard 26., North Richland Hills TX, Texas, USA 76180
Phone: 800-827-9990
Review-Section: HealthMarkets Reviews

HBW Partners

Summary: HBW Partners is a California-based FMO for financial advisors looking to round out their insurance offerings. HBW promotes Tactical Asset Allocation in over-valued markets [...]
3355 Cochran St., Suite 100,, Simi Valley, California, California, USA 93063
Phone: 800-473-3856
Review-Section: HBW Partners Reviews

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