IMO/FMO Directory

IMO/FMO Directory

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In addition to these options, on each IMO’s profile page you will find their contact info, social media channels, a quick review from us, and also other helpful links and information designed to making your choice easier.

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To better understand the differences between an IMO and an FMO or what to watch out for when contracting through one of them, check out our latest blog post:

“The Ultimate Guide to Choosing an IMO or FMO”

Directory List of BGAs, FMOs & IMOs

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United Final Expense Services

Summary: United Final Expense Services (UFES) is a Final Expense and Mortgage Protection IMO in Florida that was founded by Douglas Massi, a nationally recognized [...]
7971 Riviera Blvd Ste 105, Miramar, FL, Florida, USA 33023
Phone: 888-501-1375
Review-Section: United Final Expense Services Reviews

United Insurance Group

Summary: United Insurance Group is a Michigan-based IMO that also has a captive agency salesforce. They provide direct mail leads to contracted agents, and will [...]
1150 Corporate Office Dr. Suite 220, Milford, MI, Michigan, USA 48381
Review-Section: United Insurance Group Reviews


Summary: Equita Final Expense Services (EFES) is a large Final Expense IMO that offers comprehensive Final Expense training. They have numerous lead programs and they [...]
1651 N. Collins Blvd, Suite 300, Richardson, Texas, Texas, USA 75080
Phone: 866-490-9255
Review-Section: EFES Reviews

Unkefer & Associates

Summary: Unkefer & Associates is a Phoenix-based IMO that offers annuity and life contracts. They offer Super Agent Tools (SAT), which is an online CRM [...]
11225 N 28th Dr – Suite C100, Phoenix, AZ,, Arizona, USA 85029
Phone: 800-523-5851
Review-Section: Unkefer & Associates Reviews

ECA Marketing

Summary: ECA Marketing is an IMO that's been in Minneapolis since 1985, and was acquired by National Financial Partners about a decade ago. ECA focuses [...]
7800 Equitable Drive, Suite 200,, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, USA 55344
Phone: 800-356-4189
Review-Section: ECA Marketing Reviews

URL Insurance Group

Summary: URL Insurance Group is a multi-faceted IMO that in Harrisburg that offers almost everything but property and casualty insurance. Their website mentions lead and [...]
500 Nationwide Drive, Harrisburg, PA, Pennsylvania, USA 17110
Phone: 800-926-8875
Review-Section: URL Insurance Group Reviews

e4 Brokerage

Summary: E4 Brokerage is select services IMO in Fargo ND that caters to trust funds, bank-owned life insurance (BOLI), and financial professionals who work with [...]
2280 45th St. South, Suite C, Fargo, ND, North Dakota, USA 58104
Phone: 866-356-3203
Review-Section: e4 Brokerage Reviews

Van Berg and Associates

Summary: Van Berg and Associates is a senior-focused FMO in California that focuses on Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage but also offers annuities, Final Expense, [...]
8425 Brentwood Blvd Suite A1, Brentwood, CA, California, USA 94513
Phone: 800-723-5228
Review-Section: Van Berg and Associates Reviews

Vertical Vision Financial Marketing

Summary: Vertical Vision Financial Marketing is a Georgia-based IMO that offers long-term care, life and annuity contracts to insurance agents. They have direct mail and [...]
1201 Roberts Blvd. Bldg. A, Suite, 150 Kennesaw, GA, Georgia, USA 30144
Phone: 866-984-1585
Review-Section: Vertical Vision Financial Marketing Reviews

Drennan Insurance Marketing

Summary: Drennan Insurance Marketing is an Arkansas based FMO that focuses on the senior retiree niche with Medicare and long term care insurance, and also [...]
1501 N University Ave #551,, Little Rock, AR, Arkansas, USA 72207
Phone: 800-627-2828
Review-Section: Drennan Insurance Marketing Reviews

Vision Advisors Inc.

Summary: Vision Advisors Inc. is an annuity and life IMO based in Arkansas. They offer agent websites and even provide marketing reimbursements to producing agents. [...]
835 Central Avenue, Suite 201, Hot Springs, AR, Arkansas, USA 71901
Phone: 800-505-8489
Review-Section: Vision Advisors Inc. Reviews

Diversified Companies

Summary: Diversified Companies is an IMO in New Jersey for insurance agents wanting to contract for Mortgage Protection, Final Expense, Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplements. [...]
322 US 46W Ste 260, Parsippany, NJ, New Jersey, USA 07054
Phone: 800-662-2901
Review-Section: Diversified Companies Reviews

WealthVest Marketing

Summary: WealthVest Marketing is an IMO in Bozeman, MT, focused strictly on annuities. There isn't any information on their website about marketing, lead generation, or [...]
2485 Manley Road, Bozeman, MT, Montana, USA 59715
Phone: 877-595-9325
Review-Section: WealthVest Marketing Reviews

Western Marketing

Summary: Western Marketing is an Iowa-based IMO that offers contracts for supplemental health products, Medicare, long-term care, and life insurance. They've partnered with tons of [...]
318 W Huron St, Missouri Valley, IA, Iowa, USA 51555
Phone: 800-852-7152
Review-Section: Western Marketing Reviews

Disability Insurance Services

Summary: Disability Insurance Services is one of the top disability insurance MGAs available to insurance agents, with headquarters in San Diego and offices across the [...]
4444 Zion Avenue, San Diego, CA, California, USA 92120
Phone: 800-898-9641
Review-Section: Disability Insurance Services Reviews


Summary: Digital Brokerage Agency, or DigitalBGA, is an IMO started by Jeff Root (who owns and Nic West (who co-owns This is the [...]
Phone: 888-510-1275
Review-Section: DigitalBGA Reviews

Your Insurance Group

Summary: Your Insurance Group (YIG) is a life and annuity FMO in Florida that also offers Mortgage Protection and Final Expense contracts. They have several [...]
1900 S Harbor City Blvd STE 124A, Melbourne, FL, Florida, USA 32901-4749
Phone: 321-728-2353
Review-Section: Your Insurance Group Reviews


Summary: DIBroker is a disability insurance broker IMO that's actually split into two separate IMOs: DIBroker-East based in Coral Gables, Florida, and dibrokerWest, located in [...]
100 Miracle Mile, Suite 250, Coral Gables, FL, Florida, USA 33134
Phone: 800-790-2019
Review-Section: DIBroker Reviews

Zenith Marketing Group

Summary: Zenith Marketing is an IMO headquartered in NJ that caters to financial professionals who take a holistic planning approach. Zenith was recently acquired by [...]
26 W. Dry Creek Circle, Suite 575, Littleton, CO, Colorado, USA 80120
Phone: 800-733-0054
Review-Section: Zenith Marketing Group Reviews

DFS Marketing

Summary: DFS Marketing, a Texas life and annuity IMO, has one of the top 10 most helpful and resourceful websites of all IMOs. They have [...]
100 I-45 N Ste 410, Conroe, TX, Texas, USA 77301
Phone: 855-740-3140
Review-Section: DFS Marketing Reviews

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