Harvesting low-hanging fruit can be a lucrative short-term prospecting strategy for some insurance agents – but by not following up with leads that don’t buy right away, they could be missing out on long-term possibilities.
For other agents who have a solid follow-up process in place, the daily grind of chasing down uninterested leads can be taxing.
Both types of agents can benefit from adding exclusive live transfer leads to their daily prospecting routine. By getting insurance leads in real time, you avoid the hassle of having to track them down yourself.
These real-time life insurance leads and Medicare Supplement leads can help you connect with prospects instantly – cutting follow-up time by 90% and multiplying your commissions exponentially. Spare your sanity and your time by only dealing with interested insurance leads that call you.
“How are term life leads created from aged life leads?”
6 Step To Transform Aged Life Leads Into Fresh Term Leads
Customer-Centric Staff
Well-trained telemarketers are essential to creating quality term life leads. We only hire callers who are fluent in English, experienced in sales, and serious about customer service. We provide insurance training and closely monitor performance in our American-managed call center.
Selecting Leads
After confirming which state(s) you want leads from, our callers compile a master list of aged life insurance leads from multiple aged lead vendors. This list is uploaded into a state-of-the-art predictive dialer that allows us to call and re-qualify leads at 3X the rate of manual dialing.
Calling Aged Leads
After pooling aged leads, our telemarketers start calling contacts on your behalf to find prospects who previously requested info on life insurance but never bought, for whatever reason. We re-qualify each lead’s health and desired coverage amount to verify interest.
Aged Leads Script
HERE is the script our telemarketers use to create exclusive term life insurance leads by calling aged life leads to rekindle their interest in life insurance. This positions agents to pick up where the lead last left off in their search for quotes – without having to compete with other agents.
Quality Assurance
Once our callers requalify a lead on the phone by one of our callers, the call recording is then sent to a manager to be validated. This quality control process safeguards agents against wasting their time following up with leads who aren’t even interested. Click HERE for a sample call recording.
Delivered In 7 Days
Verified life leads are then organized into a manageable Excel spreadsheet that can easily be uploaded into any preferred dialer software or CRM system. Agents can start calling these leads as soon as they’re received (within 5-10 days) and begin closing more six-figure term life sales
“What makes these term leads better than other term leads?”
6 Benefits To Working Our Term Life Leads
Exclusive Internet Leads
Instead of fighting over shared leads, let us go through them for you to find the ones left by agents who didn’t have a follow-up process in place.
Stop Mining Aged Leads
Forget weeding through aged, irritated, and disconnected leads – we sift through all the aged leads for you so you can focus on the interested ones.
Fast-Tracking Sales
Within 7 days of ordering, you can be talking to term life insurance leads and taking applications before your mortgage protection mailers come in.
Affordable Prices
Buying aged leads from multiple vendors adds up quickly – and you might end up with duplicates – but we absorb that cost by merging the leads for you.
No More Cold Calling
The days of buying data lists are over – now you can focus on calling rekindled life insurance leads and spend your time educating them on their options.
Improved Closing Ratios
Agents report better contact ratios for term cases when calling a list of fresh, interested leads and leveraging tips from our sales training blog.
“Ready to talk to interested internet insurance leads?”
“How do these leads measure up against other term leads?”
Compare Other Ways To Generate Term Leads
Buy Shared Internet Leads
Do you like being interrupted by shared leads in your inbox, having to drop what you’re doing and race to call first while they get pummeled by several agents? Neither do we.
Buy Exclusive Internet Leads
Why pay 3-5x more for “exclusive” internet leads that may have requested info on several sites, when you could wait for other agents to give up and re-engage aged leads later?
Send Mortgage Protection Mailers
Half of all term policies insure a mortgage – but by the time you start getting replies to a mortgage mailer, you could already be closing our term life leads.
Buy Aged Internet Leads
To fill an order of aged leads, you might have to wade through multiple vendors, duplicate leads, and additional fees for filters – when you could let us take that on for you.
“Why do agents choose us over other vendors for these leads?”
What Makes Us The Best Telemarketing Insurance Lead Company
Forget The Contracts
Don’t get caught up in any long-term contracts, binding commitments, or annoying cancellation fees – only buy what you need
We Don't Cherry Pick
We sell insurance leads – not insurance – so you never have to worry about us cherry picking leads like other companies
First-Rate Service
Sick of support tickets? Always talk to someone on the phone when you call and have emails returned to you by the next day
Keep Your Leads
Don’t worry about other agents poaching your prospects because once we sell a lead, we never resell it again
Insurance Insight
By leveraging our previous sales experience in the insurance industry, we’re positioned to cater to agents lead generation needs
No Shenanigans
With our secure payment options, you won’t have to worry about mysterious charges, extra fees or other shady billing issues
Professional Ethics
We’re committed to conducting business with integrity, so you’ll never have to worry about shady billing tactics.
Lead Replacement Pledge
If, after talking to a lead and reviewing the recording, you find that they didn’t request more info, please return it for a refund
“Need more guidance to approach and close these leads?”
Check Out These Top Tips And Scripts To Improve Your Sales Process