Final Expense Tele-marketed Leads Best Practices

Final Expense Tele-marketed Leads Best Practices

Written by Glen Shelton

Glen Shelton launched Lead Heroes in 2015 after noticing a lack of quality and service among telemarketed lead providers in the insurance industry. As president of Lead Heroes, Glen actively manages a call center with real people generating quality insurance leads. With processes designed to improve efficiency and lower costs, Glen helps maximize ROI for agents selling Final Expense life insurance and Medicare Supplements to seniors.

April 29, 2016

Best Practices

Some of these may sound simple, but these are things that should ultimately increase an agents setting, sitting and closing percentage.

I also come from the school of thought that if the selling is being done in person (face to face) with these leads, that no qualifying questions should be asked during the appointment set (initial call back on the lead).

The goal is to get in front of as many prospects as possible and I designed this lead to do exactly that.

  • Attempt to make contact within 48 hours of receiving leads (The sooner the better).
  • Try calling at different times throughout the day/week. I recommend calling at 3 separate times of the day. Morning, Afternoon and Evening (example – 10AM, 2PM, 6PM).
  • When setting the appointment, attempt to set it for either the next day or the day following that (within 48 hours). This will increase your likelihood of sitting down with the prospect.
  • Continue attempting to make contact with each lead until you receive a response (This means if you are having trouble getting them on the phone, knock on their door).

Here is an example of an appointment setting script agents have been having success with:

“Hi (Lead Name)? This is (Agent Name), the licensed specialist giving you a call back in regards to the State-Regulated burial benefits for Seniors, you said your favorite hobby/color was (Password) is that right?

Great, well I just need to get this information out you and it shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes, would 10:15 or 2:15 tomorrow work better for you?”

If you receive push back when trying to set the appointment, here are a few different rebuttals I have used –

“I’m going to be just down the street from you tomorrow, and it really won’t take more than 5 minutes to go over this with you, would 10:15 or 2:15 work better for you?”

“This is sensitive information which is why I need to come by to explain this in person, and it really should not take more than 5 minutes of your time, would 10:15 or 2:15 work better for you?”

“I have 10 other people I have to deliver this information to tomorrow, it won’t take me more than 5 minutes to go over this with you, would 10:15 or 2:15 work better for you?”

The password is to jog their memory about the initial phone call they received.

Any other questions feel free to reach out to me!


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